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Chess for Zebras (Jonathan Rowson) PDF - Free Online Book

Chess for Zebras PDF Download: A Review

If you are looking for a chess book that will challenge your thinking and help you improve your game, you might want to check out Chess for Zebras by Jonathan Rowson. This book is not your typical chess manual that teaches you opening theory or tactics. Rather, it is a philosophical and psychological exploration of three questions that are important for all chess-players: why is it so difficult to improve, especially for adult players; what kinds of mental attitudes are needed to find good moves in different phases of the game; and is White's alleged first-move advantage a myth, and does it make a difference whether you are playing Black or White? In this article, we will give you an overview of what this book is about, and why you might want to download it as a PDF file. We will also provide you with some frequently asked questions and answers on the topic.

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What is Chess for Zebras?

Chess for Zebras is a book by Jonathan Rowson, a Scottish grandmaster and chess writer. The book was first published in 2005 by Gambit Publications, and it has received positive reviews from many chess players and critics. The book explores three questions that are important for chess improvement The book is divided into three parts: Improving Our Capacity to Improve, A Mental Toolkit for the Exponential Jungle, and Thinking Colourfully about Black and White. The author uses his academic background in philosophy and psychology to answer these questions in an entertaining and instructive way. He also presents many new ideas on how Black should best combat White's early initiative, and make use of the extra information that he gains as a result of moving second. He also takes a close look at the theories of two players who have specialized in championing Black's cause: Mihai Suba and Andras Adorjan. The book also offers fresh insights into human idiosyncrasies in all phases of the game, and helps players to appreciate chess at a more profound level, and make steps towards sustained and significant improvement. The title of the book is inspired by the late Simon Webb's Chess for Tigers, a popular classic that advises players to be aggressive and ruthless on the board. Rowson's book is more like a "feel-different" book that is supposed to knock you off balance slightly, and challenge some of your limiting assumptions and habits of mind. The author explains that he chose zebras as a metaphor for chess players because they are "strikingly beautiful creatures that stand out from the crowd, but also blend into their environment when they need to". He also says that zebras are "naturally endowed with a kind of dynamic balance that is very useful in chess". Part 1: Improving Our Capacity to Improve

In the first part of the book, Rowson discusses why it is so difficult to improve at chess, especially for adult players who have reached a certain level of competence. He argues that improving at chess is not just about acquiring more knowledge or skills, but also about unlearning some of the things that we have learned before, and changing our mindset and attitude towards the game. He calls this process "psycho-logics", which means using logic to understand our own psychology, and using psychology to improve our logic.

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chess for zebras thinking differently about black and white by jonathan rowson

chess for zebras first published in the uk by gambit publications ltd 2005

chess for zebras copyright jonathan rowson 2005

chess for zebras isbn 1 901983 854

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chess for zebras edited by graham burgess

chess for zebras typeset by petra nunn

chess for zebras printed in great britain by the cromwell press trowbridge wilts

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In the second part of the book, Rowson shares some of his personal insights and experiences on how he approaches chess problems and decisions. He explains why chess is so difficult, and why we often fail to find the best moves in complex positions. He introduces us to some of the tools and techniques that he uses to cope with the exponential jungle of possibilities that chess presents us with. He also reveals some of his weaknesses and blind spots, and how he tries to overcome them. Some of the topics that he covers in this part include: something that works for him (a simple method of finding good moves based on asking four questions: what are my threats, what are my opponent's threats, what are my opportunities, what are my opponent's opportunities); doing and being (the difference between playing moves and playing chess, and how to balance them); why you shouldn't be defensive (the dangers of being too passive or reactive in chess, and how to be more proactive and creative); glorious grinding (the art of winning equal or slightly better positions by exploiting small advantages). Part 3: Thinking Colourfully about Black and White

In the third part of the book, Rowson tackles one of the most controversial and fascinating topics in chess: the role of colour in determining the outcome of a game. He challenges the conventional wisdom that White has an inherent advantage because he moves first, and that Black has to equalize or defend against White's initiative. He argues that this view is based on three types of theory: opening theory (which is often biased towards White), endgame theory (which is often irrelevant or misleading), and middlegame theory (which is often non-existent or vague). Rowson proposes a different way of thinking about colour in chess, based on his own experience and research. He claims that White's advantage is not as significant as it seems, and that it can be neutralized or even reversed by Black with proper preparation and play. He also suggests that Black has some advantages over White, such as having more information, more flexibility, more surprise value, more psychological pressure, and more fun. He also examines the ideas of two players who have advocated for Black's cause: Mihai Suba and Andras Adorjan. Suba is a Romanian and Spanish grandmaster who won the European Junior Championship in 1969 and the Romanian Championship three times. He is known for his dynamic and original style, and his book Dynamic Chess Strategy. Adorjan is a Hungarian grandmaster who was the runner-up in the World Junior Championship in 1969 and qualified for the Candidates Tournament in 1979. He is known for his expertise in the Grunfeld Defence, and his series of books Black is OK, which advocate for Black's chances in chess. Rowson analyzes some of their games and ide


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